
2024 Tournaments

Please find the list of tournament events and descriptions below for the 2024 season. Please click on each tournament button to sign up online and contact the Highlands Proshop if you need further assistance.

Reservations can be made through the APP or via the website link.

    Saturday, April 13th - Highlands Two Person Scramble

    Team Best Ball  
    Tee Times begin at 9am

    Saturday, May 11th - Highlands Two Person Best Ball

    Team Best Ball  
    Tee Times begin at 10am

    Saturday & Sunday, July 27-28th - 108th Annual Elgin Open

    Individual Stroke 
    Tee Times begin at 11am

    Download Overview and Rules

    Saturday, September 7th - Individual Stableford

    Individual Stableford
    Tee Times begin at 10am

    875 Sports Way, Elgin, IL 60123  |  847-931-5950